And We Chose To Accept It
Achieving global leadership in sustainable surface sealer & cleaning products may not have been our mission from the start, but like that jungle juice from ‘02 in Isla Vista, you never really know what you’re getting yourself into. You commit and sometimes, you find the fruit cocktail at the bottom.
From toddlers to toupees, we have all spent our fair share of time on the floor. And as we have aged, our perspective has literally changed; from waking up on one to celebrating our families’ milestones on another. From first steps to forts, the importance of protecting what is on the surface quickly became our why.
Enter Party Foul, a PFAS-FREE suite of cleaning and sealing products designed to protect what’s most important to you. Unlike other surface sealers and cleaning products, Party Foul stands out for its commitment to sustainability. With its PFAS-free formulation, you are making a conscious choice to protect both your family and the future of our planet. Say goodbye to forever chemicals and hello to a healthier, more sustainable home.
At Party Foul, we have you, and your surfaces covered. Be it beast or bestie, Party Foul is there to clean it up and leave your surfaces looking like new. We believe the 5-second rule applies to the whole family and that life is all about keeping the party going – so live your best life, with Party Foul.